Mitch McConnell
Where Things Stand: Oh, That’s All It Took
This is your TPM afternoon briefing.
Vladimir Putin and Mitch McConnell had something in common today.
Grim Reaper Joins The Living
McConnell finally accepts the reality of Biden's win after weeks riding Trump’s delusional high horse.
Bipartisan Cooperation After Trump: The Ball Is In The Republicans’ Court
And if GOP Obamacare repeal was any indication, they’re not ready for bipartisanship.
Where Things Stand: Austerity For America’s Cities?
This is you TPM afternoon briefing.
In a narrow sense, this is a very New York City-centric issue. But if it comes to fruition, life as we know it in this city will not only collapse further into the unlivable realm than it already has in the wake of COVID-19, but we might see another outbreak spike in the city.