Cafe : Opinion

Abortion Has Been Debated In The US Since The 18th Century. The Conflict Today Doesn’t Look Too Different.
Rising Authoritarianism And Worsening Climate Change Share A Fossil-Fueled Secret
In recent decades, the core democratic principle that prioritizes citizens over corporate profits has been aggressively undermined.
What Academics Focused On Improving Americans’ Diets Got Wrong
It’s time to look beyond the concept of “food deserts.”
How The Image Of A Besieged And Victimized Russia Came To Be So Ingrained In The Country’s Psyche
‘If You’re Getting a W-2, You’re a Sucker’
There are many differences between the rich and the rest of us, but one of the most consequential for your taxes is whether most of your income comes from wages.
The Stakes Are High For The EPA’s Newly Appointed Chemical Review Director
OPPT has not been doing its job appropriately, and while the issue may have accelerated without a director, it is a long-term — and nonpartisan — problem.
Russia’s War Tests Evangelicals’ Longtime Support Of Putin As An Anti-LGBTQ World Leader
For the moment, Putin’s status as the global right’s moral vanguard is being severely tested, and advocates of traditional marriage may find themselves on the brink of divorce.
Inspired By Bernie And BLM’s Pro-Union Talk, Unconventional Organizing Catches On
Recent successful organizing campaigns mark a sea change from the way the labor movement has traditionally operated, which has tended to be more centralized and led by seasoned union officials.
TPM’s Associate Publisher Jackie Wilhelm: Five Myths For the Feminist
Heracles Could Never
Putin Puts International Justice On Trial – Betting That The Age Of Impunity Will Continue
Although the potential for holding Russian commanders, and even President Vladimir Putin, accountable and punishing them for international crimes is more likely now than in the past, the path will likely be long and difficult.
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