Where Things Stand: SCOTUS Decision On Trump Finances Coming Tomorrow
This is your TPM afternoon briefing.
We’re already preparing for a busy Thursday morning.
Nail In Coffin? Facing Toughest Race Yet, Collins Forced To Answer For Kavanaugh Vote
Susan Collins’ purported centrist credentials have relied in part on her stance as an advocate of reproductive rights. That sort of positioning works well in Maine. But, with her vote for Kavanaugh, Collins lost endorsements that could prove detrimental to her reelection.
Where Things Stand: We Should’ve Known A While Ago That Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted
This is your TPM afternoon briefing.
Back in the days of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s contentious Senate confirmation, the Washington Post killed a story that could’ve exposed a striking example of Kavanaugh’s public disingenuousness.