Joe Biden
Listen To This: Looking to the Court
A new episode of The Josh Marshall Podcast is live! This week, with the Senate all but paralyzed, Josh and Kate discuss the Supreme Court’s posture on the Biden administration’s use of agency power.
You can listen to the new episode of The Josh Marshall Podcast here.
Vaccine Mandate Cases May Hold Clues About Whether Supreme Court Intends To Drastically Constrain Biden’s Power
Dad Who Told Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Now Pushing Big Lie On Steve Bannon’s Podcast
Of course he is.
Crisis of Command
I want to expand on what I mentioned in Morning Memo about some really good work from the Just Security guys on better understanding the delay in the deployment of the National Guard.
From the get-go, TPM’s coverage has been more circumspect about the decision to involve the military in the response to the attack.
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