George Santos

A new episode of The Josh Marshall Podcast is live! This week, Josh and Kate discuss the end of Kevin McCarthy’s speakership struggle and the beginning of a new term of Congress.
You can listen to the new episode of The Josh Marshall Podcast here.

While announcing their committee’s call for freshman Rep. George Santos (R-NY) to resign from Congress today, Nassau County GOP Chairman Joseph Cairo, Jr. let a little bit of news slip.
“I remember specifically, I’m into sports a little bit, that he was a star on the Baruch volleyball team and that they won the league championship,” Cairo said, while walking reporters through a handful of other publicly known things that Santos had lied about on his resume.
“What can I tell ya,” he said. Peep his fellow party officials giggling in the background.
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We can all rest easy knowing accountability is in the unassailable hands of the newly minted Republican House leadership.
Scalise’s remarks come the same day that Democratic lawmakers actually did something tangible about the fact that there’s a freshman member of Congress who was just sworn in after admitting he lied about basically everything he’s ever said and done.
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