Donald Trump

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) has not publicly disclosed whether she intends to run for reelection after a decade-plus in the Senate.

The former president hid in his bunker when country-wide protests flared up in Washington, D.C. over the police killing of George Floyd last summer.
He was mocked with a variety of entertaining “bunker boy” related nicknames (not hard to get creative with that alliteration) and ultimately decided to show his strength by violently clearing out Lafayette Square and taking a picture in front of a historic church flinging around a Bible.

The former president has vowed to make reelection a living hell for any Republican who voted to impeach him.
But his recent handwritten note to a local county conservative group promising to do just that to take down Rep. John Katko (R-NY) was the encapsulation of Trumpism — just the right blend of outsized ego and transparent desperation.