President Trump’s frustration with his favorite network has been simmering for months, according to a new report from the Associated Press.
In recent weeks, Trump has complained to his close associates about how Fox News sometimes “goes negative” on his administration, the AP reported. That ire boiled over into the open over the weekend, when he tweeted about his irritation with Fox News’ weekend anchors.
Trump was reportedly bothered by the network’s live report from a sports bar in France during the women’s world cup, in which a crowd of people behind the Fox News reporter chanted “Fuck Trump!”
Trump was frustrated with Fox’s weekend coverage when other networks like CNN and MSNBC covered his ties to billionaire Jeffrey Epstein who was just charged with sex trafficking underage girls. Trump has told advisers that he thinks Fox should be “loyal” to the his White House and Republicans in general.
Read AP’s full report here.