Mark Geragos, lawyer for actor Jussie Smollett, welcomes President Donald Trump’s request for the FBI and Justice Department to probe the case, saying that he wants answers on “why they filed this case in the first place.”
According to a Thursday Daily Beast report, Geragos says he wants to “amplify” Trump’s tweet.
“I would like an investigation into why they filed this case in the first place,” Geragos said. “Why they had no corroboration in this case for what was said. And why it was that they indicted.”
The charges against Smollett, who was indicted in connection to an allegedly fake police report connected to a staged hate crime attack, were abruptly dropped Tuesday to the apparent chagrin of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanual, who seemed to think that justice was not served.
“If they want to do an investigation, I welcome it, because I think what they are going to find out, there was a lot more nefarious things going on here,” Geragos said. “I think you will find at the end of the day, that the idea that Rahm Emanuel is out there defaming my client and acting, literally unhinged. I don’t want to cast dispersions on Rahm, but there’s an old expression that it’s sometimes better to stay quiet and he should have stayed and I’ll leave it at that.”