Nadler: Mueller’s Testimony Was An ‘Inflection Point’ In Impeachment Saga

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) attends a news conference on April 9, 2019. (Photo by Zach Gibson/Getty Images)
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House Judiciary Committee chair Jerry Nadler (D-NY) on Sunday described special counsel Robert Mueller’s congressional hearing as an “inflection point” in possible impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

In his “personal view,” Nadler told CNN reporter Jake Tapper, Trump “richly deserves impeachment.”

The New York Democrat said Democrats had “broken the log jam” on Wednesday by getting Mueller to testify in front of the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees, which allowed him to clear up Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr’s mischaracterizations of his findings on both Russian election interference and Trump meddling with the investigation.

“The President and the attorney general were lying to the American people consistently, saying that the Mueller report found no obstruction, no collusion and exonerated the President,” Nadler said. “I think the hearing the other day was an inflection point because it showed quite clearly that the report did not exonerate the President.”

“It doesn’t seem to have been an inflection point for many house Democrats,” Tapper pointed out. “Why do you think that is?”

“I think it was an inflection point that it broke the administration’s lie, the attorney general’s lie, that the President was totally exonerated by the Mueller report,” Nadler responded. “Quite the contrary. There was very damning evidence put forward on the record.”

On Friday, the House Judiciary Committee filed a petition to a federal D.C judge as a means to begin investigating whether or not they should begin impeachment proceedings.

Watch Nadler below:

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