“The Daily Show” correspondent Jessica Williams confronted a state lawmaker about his transphobia and support of “bathroom bills” on Wednesday night’s episode.
Chaplin and state Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt (R-CO) said trans people are “confused.”
“They not only want to be confused about their own identity, but they want the rest of us to be confused with them. Now they want the government to join them on that pretense? They’re making us into liars,” Klingenschmitt told Williams.
The representative was open to explaining his religious beliefs, but first he had to change.
“I would be comfortable talking about religious freedom, but I have to change into my alter ego,” Klingenschmitt said.
“You have to change into your alter ego? Who are you? Lady Gaga? Go on and change,” she told him.
Then Williams waited for him “to transition so he would feel more comfortable during our interview.”
The irony of the situation appeared to be lost on Klingenschmitt.
Watch the segment, via Comedy Central, below: