‘Senator Johnson, Please!’: Chuck Todd Loses Temper With GOP Sen. During Stormy Interview

(Screenshot: NBC/Snapstream)
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NBC News’ “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd’s interview with Senate Foreign Relations member Sen. Ron Johnson went off the rails on Sunday when the news host tried to get the Republican’s response to President Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal.

It began when Todd pressed Johnson on his interview with the Wall Street Journal on Friday, during which the Republican senator said he “winced” at U.S. Ambassador to the E.U Gordon Sondland’s suggestion that President Donald Trump would withhold military aid to Ukraine until he was sure the Ukrainian president would investigate Trump’s conspiracy theories about the Clinton campaign.

But when Todd confronted him over that remark, Johnson kept trying to pivot to Republican talking points about the CIA and former FBI agents Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe allegedly plotting against the 2016 Trump campaign.

“I have no idea why a Fox News conspiracy–propaganda stuff is popping up on here,” Todd retorted.

Johnson barreled on, blaming the media for making the President and his supporters “upset” for covering the Ukraine scandal.

“Senator Johnson–senator Johnson, please!” a frustrated Todd shouted. “Can we please answer the question I asked you instead of trying to make Donald Trump feel better here that you are not criticizing him?!”

The interview ended on a similarly sour note when the Wisconsin Republican kept doubling down on the unfounded “deep state” conspiracy theories pushed by Trump and his allies.

“I want to look at the entire truth, Chuck,” Johnson said. “The media doesn’t.”

“And the truth is only when it benefits what you believe is politically comfortable with you?” the NBC News host asked. “I don’t understand: What truth are you looking for?”

After more heated back-and-forth about wanting “the complete truth,” Todd called it quits.

“I’m sorry that you chose to come on this way, senator,” he said as the show’s crew cut off Johnson’s mic mid-response.

Last week, CNN host Jake Tapper got into a similarly heated exchange with another ardent Trump supporter, Rep. Jim Jordan.

Watch several moments of Johnson’s interview below:

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