NC Board Of Elections Concludes 9th District Election ‘Corrupted,’ ‘Tainted’

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The North Carolina Board of Elections filed an order Wednesday concluding that the congressional election in the 9th District was “corrupted by fraud, improprieties, and irregularities so pervasive that its results are tainted as the fruit of an operation manifestly unfair to the voters and corrosive to our system of representative government.”

“A new election is necessary not only in the congressional contest, but also in two local contests caught in the long shadow of uncertainty caused by absentee ballot fraud funded principally by the Mark Harris for Congress Committee,” the order continues.

The board had harsh words specifically for the campaign of Republican Mark Harris.

“The Harris Committee failed to comply fully with the lawful subpoenas by this Board, and that such non-compliance contributes to cumulative doubt cast on the congressional election,” they wrote.

The board concluded on an ominous note, promising “further action” in regards to Harris and his representation.

On Tuesday, the Department of Justice jumped into the mess, issuing at least three subpoenas, including to Harris campaign operative McCrae Dowless, the indicted leader of the absentee ballot scheme, and the state Board of Elections.

So far, Dowless and four of his employees have been indicted on charges related to the alleged voter fraud.

Read the order here:

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