After Three Hours, One GOP Rep. Broke Ranks And Asked Cohen A Real Question

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Most of Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing has been a partisan circus, with the likes of Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Mark Meadows (R-NC) using their questioning time to put on a show of outrage and gotcha questions.

Three hours into the cacophony, Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) took a different tack, asking a question actually seeking information from Michael Cohen, the answer to which could have even proved damaging to President Donald Trump.

He set the stage for what could have been a show-stopping moment: “Mr. Cohen, I don’t know whether we should believe you today, but I’m going to ask you this one last question: what is the truth that you know President Trump fears most?” Amash asked.

Cohen seemed taken aback and shook his head for a while, concluding that it was a “tough question” that he didn’t have an answer for.

Amash also asked more about how Cohen says that Trump speaks in “code,” basically relaying his desires and marching orders through implication rather than directness.

The congressman concluded by asking about how Cohen plans to rehabilitate himself and his life.

Cohen expressed his gratitude at the Republican’s rogue line of questioning.

“Thank you for your questions,” Cohen said. “Some of the other ones really make it difficult to try to show some redemption, but I am, I am trying.”

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