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Newly-minted TPM Member MT tells us why he joined. Some very kind words at the beginning. But the ones in the second half stood out to me about our team …

I joined because when I first started reading blogs, I thought you were the best out there. You had the best takes, the best insight, but more than anyone else–you found (and still find) the best questions to ask.  You very much know the limitations of your own knowledge, and that sets the stage for your readers to learn on their own.

I’ve taken issue with you over the years, for the most part unfairly (I believe I once criticized the number of Oberlin grads on your roster), usually during some broader national trauma (yes, that is indeed my excuse), but I’ve stuck around because y’all have kept proving me wrong.  I’m grateful to call myself a subscriber, and I’ll be “giving the gift of Prime” to my little brother on his 49th birthday in May, so watch for that.

TPM Reader JH became a reader only much more recently …

Per your request on the Editor’s Blog, I’m writing as a fairly new member who just joined a couple months ago. I actually first learned of TPM through a colleague who I think highly of, and who thinks highly of TPM. Between his recommendation and snazzy TPM merch, I started reading the site and it ended up part of my usual news routine. And that’s when I realized that TPM was routinely hitting a sweet spot of journalism that few other outlets seem to hit: there’s a clear point of view that you don’t hide, but you also always seem to give a fair read on the facts of a situation and will call out something that doesn’t make sense, regardless of the source.

So, to support good journalism (and to make sure I can read the interesting members only editorial blogs) I was happy to join. Hope that helps, and best of luck with the membership drive.

For others who decided to join during our annual membership drive, what was your reason?

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